Learning Module

Colon Cancer Screening and Prevention

This module is intended to provide the importance, guidelines, and  logistics of colon cancer screening.



Learning Module Guiding Questions:
* Why is colon cancer screening important?
* What are the medical recommendations for when to be screened?
* What are the methods and logistics of screening?

Learning Module Objectives:
* Define why colon cancer is largely preventable with screening. 
* Recognize possible colon cancer symptons. 
* Know recommended screening guidelines.
* Understand the screening process.
* Actively participate in eradicating colon cancer.

Introductory Activities
* VoiceThread: Listen to an introduction to the class and add your voice.
* Poll: Have you had a colonoscopy?



Contact - issues, questions, feeback, information
* response within 48 hours

Delivery Options
* self paced; all on-line; may be taken graded or ungraded
* for graded option
-- indicate in email to astephens33@student.bellevuecollege.edu
-- 110 points total: 50 for wallwisher importance and guideline post; 35 for wiki-methods; 25 for wiki-social network

* Participation (source: EDUC 281 Course)
* Wallwisher

Websites used in course - no registration needed, unless indicated
* Overview: http://www.voicethread.com/
* Overview: http://www.polleverywhere.com/
* Resources and Activities: www.google.com/google-d-s/documents/
* Resources: http://www.glosgter.com/
* Activities: http://www.proprofs.com/
* Activities: http://www.wallwisher.com/ - registration required
* Activities: http://www.wiki.com/ - registration required
* Activities: http://www.colonclub.com/



* Colonoscopy Fact Sheet, King County Department of Health
* Trends in Colorectal Cancer use in Medicare Population, Journal of Preventative Medicine
* Study: Many colon cancer patients not followed up properly, New York Times article
* Increase in Incidence of Colorectal Cancer Amoung Young Men and Women, ACS
* A Framework for Action: The Strategic Plan, National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable


Website Resources



#1.  The importance of screening
#2.  The guidelines for screening
- Colon cancer is largely preventable with screening and removing polyps before they become cancerous.  Some people are at higher risk for developing colon cancer than others.   Go through the following flashcards.

- Based on the risks, guidelines have been developed for when screening should occur.  Review the physicians guidelines for screening.  An additional resource for this activity is  Physicians Guidelines for Colorectal Screening, Colon Cancer Prevention.

- Wallwisher post.  When you recognize a risk that describes you, a family member, a friend, or someone you know, post with their name (first name only) and what their risks and guideline for screening are.  (After you make your post, if you hit the refresh button, the wallwisher will be updated and you will see your post below.)

#3. The screening process and polyp removal
Wiki-colon screening methods.   There are different methods for screening for colon cancer.  Only one - a colonoscopy can remove polyps before they can grow into cancer.  Other screening methods into Computer Tomographic or virtual colonoscopy; sigmoidoscopy, double-contrast barium enema; digital rectal examination, fecal occult blood test of FOBT; fecal immunochemical test or FIT; and stool DNA or sDNA.  Take at least one of these screening methods and indicate or add to the possible advantages and disadvantages in the Wiki.  An additional website resource for this assignment is Screening Methods, Colon Cancer Alliance.

#4. The impact of colon cancer
Wiki-colon cancer social network.  The impact of colon cancer and its treatment can be challenging.  The Colon Club is a forum focused on colon cancer. 
- Go to the Colon Club website:  http://www.colonclub.com/.  You do not need to register to read the forum.
- Explore the website.  Specifically, go to the Colon Talk forum and read several of the posts.
- Post on wiki your reflections on colon cancer treatment based on these posts.