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The purpose of this page is keep a running log of my reactions and observations on the class.

8/10/2010 - eLearning in the workplace
I keep seeing articles - like in the Seattle Times or ones posted by other students - about the web is being utilized in these situations, as well. 

8/7/2010 - ePortfolio Assessment Rubric
Ernie responded to my question about an assessment rubric and mentioned I had underlined this him.  My first thought was to laugh and think of the student who gets more work for the rest of the class.  Anyway, in thinking about it, I realized how I did my blog and ePortfolio reflected much of what I learned in this course.    My post on this:

Not quite sure the best approach for this, but feel defining of the categories need to occur first and then maybe using a wiki where we can all edit one document, although the "time" runway we have may not be long enough. I thought about my own experience and the readings for assessments and the three categories I would selected for the rubric are:
* Purpose: In the readings, there were discussions about student and teacher portfolios. For this class, I had to decide if my portfolio would be for assignments only - i.e., basically the items I am graded on - or a repository for everything in the course for me. This was important in how I organized things, how much I would collect, etc. I must admit this was not a linear process for me, but as time went on evolved. So, the criteria would be along the lines of if the purpose is clearly stated and does the portfolio reflect it.
* Platform: Once I decided what I wanted the protfolio to be, I had to decide on the platform - similiar to the CMS exercise we went through. For example, although I knew my Learning Module would be associated with my portofolio, would it be a link to a WORD document or part of the blog (which is what I choice for my platform). I found that the platform influenced the content, in the sense I might change an approach. For example, blogspot allows postings on the main page, but added pages are a single sheet. When I considered my LM, I gave consideration to either having a WORD document or creating and linking to another blogspot, where I could individual posts. The criteria for this might be, not specifically the platform chosen, but how it was used - the look and feel; easily able to find things; easy to read.
* Content - This is the information actually in the portfolio. Critera - was it complete; if for the class, did it take into account Vista would be inaccessible at some point; etc.

8/5/2010 - Graphics in the media
Since I have become familiar with some of the webtools - like animoto and prezi - I see graphics - such as on CNN - and realize I know how to do something like that.  I find myself noticing it more and become more critical in what I see.  Its interesting to see the world in a way differently than before.

8/4/2010 - Paper doesn't get lost when you hit enter
I was updating my LM page and after spending an hour entering data (seemed like days), I lost it all.  I'm not even sure how, but it was frustrating.  Of course, part/most of the time was spent in that I was creating as I was going - laying out the logistics portion of the blog - so to re-create it wasn't that long, but quite frustrating.  When I write something, it stays on the paper.

8/2/2010 - Entucation
This is the balance between entertainment and education.  We want the student to be attracted and engaged, but when is it mostly fun and not learning?  I am finding the latest assignments to be like that.  Ernie provided lots of tools and resources to make pictures, videos, and audios.  I am investing time in this and have found one, in particular, animoto - makes movies - which I plan to use in the future.  There were other presentation ones - such as making word clouds and prezi, where you can provide a polished look to things.  Given that I am using a blog, it is hard to embed the code and some of links to the page.  I know this is for a class on learning etools, so it is fine, but in general I see as a teacher and student, you can invest time into this.

7/30/2010 - Keeping Everything
A difference I am realizing between in-class and elearning courses, is that keeping everything is much easier.  I think about wanting to keep everyone's post, for example, because why not - its electonic and won't take up room.  I wouldn't do this for a classroom course.  Although technology does easily allow you to record conversations.

7/28/2010 - Second Face-2-Face Session
In deciding on CMS, it is features as well as use.  My thought is this is like the telephone - you want everything, use some, but not all features.  The term digital fatigue - when you get overloaded by the medium - analogous to musuem fatigue.  Pacansky - just like before you might need a reliable transport to get to school, you need a reliable platform for e-Learning.  I think eLearning support "Bloom Taxonomy" as you can ask the same thing in different and more open ways, if you want to. 

7/27/2010 - Platform Issues - Experiential Learning
Discussions in the course have included how the instructor and students now need to be technologists.  This was illustrated in a very frustrating way with the Vista system is working.  There seems to have been some upgrade of Vista and functions that previously worked are no longer - like getting links and watching the videos.  The information provided by Vista was sketchy.  For example, it indicated an upgrade pack to JAVA was needed, but didn't indicate the baseline the pack was for.  After several hours of both Bob's and my efforts, we did several product updates and it now seems to work. 

7/26/2010 - CMS Assignment
I am finding comparing two different platforms for a course management system to be difficult.  All systems have the basic components, but unless you really use one and put it up and know all the nuances, you can't really tell.  It is not the tool, but how you use it.

7/24/2010 - Where are things?
I find I am leaning more towards keeping things electronically. With all the information, I find my normal mode of reading everything and sorting/filing it somehow does not coincide with eLearning. I find myself wanting to maintain the "picture" with the knowledge I can go back or even search for new information, as I need to. However, there are times I want something specific and even in the short time space of this course, am having confusion. Specifically, there was an assignment to take an on-line course and apply the QM Rubric. The Rubric was listed in Module 7, along with the assignment, but it was quite familiar. I spent about 10 minutes searching that it was also the exact one used in an early assignment assessing this course.

7/23/2010 - ePortfolio Thought
One thought I had was that if I am doing a ePortfolio, why not keep the readings, etc. there - i.e., file everything and it would all be in one place. Two issues comes to mind. The first, is the purpose of the portfolio to include everything and if I use this Blog how do I logistically point to a file. Do I want to do a mini-website?

7/23/2010 - Paper vs. Electronic Media
I am thinking about my ePortfolio and what exactly I want to include in it. I have printed much of the information, especially the readings, as a way to take them with me, underline things, and just plain like reading paper. I'm not sure how I want to keep this information permanently. Some of the files are already electronic - I downloaded and printed - and others, like linked information is not, but I could scan them. I realize that part of eLearning is also perhaps transitioning to electronic information as well.

7/20/2010 - CMS Platforms
I checked out several of the platforms that Ernie has recommended for us to do an assessment on. (We need to assess two for class.) It is one thing to see if it has certain features, but the ease of use is hard to judge. I can try the demos, etc., but realize it is also how things are set-up. It is out of focus for me on how to proceed.

7/19/2010 - Information Location Overload
I am finding that I am forgetting where information is that I need - somewhat like doing a search on the internet and not always finding what you want. I'll remember reading or listening to something, but just the reference to where to go back if I need to. I had started an Notebook to record highlights, but am finding that it is not as helpful as I had thought it would be. In reading the entries, it triggers my thinking, but not necessarily the detail of what I want. Another example is when I have a new message. I prefer read them all and possible go back to respond later after some reflection and remembering where the message was is another task.

7/17/2010 - Blogs
I like the idea of a centralized location for my work in the course and the blog allows for flexibility as my knowledge of how I was to be organized evolves. For example, I've done some posts on the on the readings and videos in the course. However, I am not sure if all this information will be worthwhile in the long run. I am definitely more comfortable with regular print. I printed out the readings and yellow-lined the specific points I liked. It was too much effort to write them all in my notebook and so now I have two places for my information. There is a limitation to the technology I am using. For example, if I used an eBook, I could do the underlining electronically and then refer to it easily in my notebook.

7/16/2010 - Passwords
Interestingly enough, one of my biggest "mental hurdles" in getting started was all the different account names/passwords needed, as we are using different web tools and web places, such as BC's Vista for the course, this blog, wiki, etc. I finally organized and wrote everything down in one place. I guess there is still a need for paper and pencil.

7/14/2010 - eOrganization
Colleen's post on the balance of empowerment vs. the logistics of using technology summarizes my initial learning experience with the course. Sara's bPortfolio organization was impressive and helped clarify the course focus for me. However, as I posted comments on both blogs, I realize that the blog tool might not offer me the capabilities that I feel I might want. Even as I write this post, I realize these more personal reflections will be interspersed with formal class assignments. I could have another blog, of course.

In the "paper world" I often have numbered folders only for new projects. When I want a place to collect something, I just take a number. As the projet develops and I have a better idea of what I want to keep, I can easily reorganize. On the computer, the logistics become more complex and become a barrier for me.

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