
word cloud designed on

stock picture from

The purpose of this section of my blog is to maintain notes on the assignments, resources, videos on assignments.   This allows me to also better access the information;  Ernie Huges indicated that this is referred to as "breadcrumbs".

Module 10: e-Portfoilios and Personal Learning Einvornments
* Personal Learning Environments - 7th grader - liked how she organized by personal and "professional" (in her case student) information- was impressed by the breadth of the tools she had, but she indicated she had to have time to learn them - said alot of freedom makes her be responsible
* Slides: Personal Learning Environment - makes point that with all the technology and information out there, an eportfolio is a must
* An Overview of E-portfolios - focuses on student, teaching, and institutional e-portfolios - the questions raised were particularly interesting - time limits; ownership; part of permanent records; assessmen - were thought provoking, but not resolved
* e-Portfolios at Penn State - the look and feel of this was good and similiar to what I chose; not using blogspot gave him way more flexibility - similiar to my debate about using a regular website.  Spent time in the copyright section.  It is a complex area and thought the way it was reduced - with videos highlighting things was good.
* Sample Portfolio - using Blogger - did not like the black background; hard to read and distracting  Realize, though, that this was an example also for content.  Reassuring to see the similiarities with mine - had a menu on the side (mine goes down the page)
* UNC Charlotte Example of Portolfio - teaching portfolio - home page was a philosophy of how she thinks about teaching, using a quote.  The picture of the child was relevant, but very large in size and felt it over shadowed, that this was her website.  Seemed like a website of her, didn't particparly find the presentation to be engaging
* Assessing Online Learning Strategies - was more of a description of how to take advnatage of eplatforms, but not how to do concrete assessment - like making multiple choice more robust with asking why to their choice; peer review of papers; and "quick" discussions via a forum

Module 9 - Games, Video, and Storytelling
Games and eLearning - Two video game industries: educational and entertainment. How do make educational games more engaging/entertainment? We learn things better that we are interested in. Tangential learning - when you learn something when exposed to something else - self-education.
* animoto - creates videos from pictures, other videos - easy to use - collage of class pictures - also posted on Course Info page
compfight - picture stocks - some I downloaded here


Module 8 - Social Media
* Twitter in the Classroom - Rey Junco - Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society - used Twitter, because penetration that great at the time - able to demonstrate engagement correlation, but not causation - some ways of using Twitter do help engagement. Other study shows introversion and extroversion reflected in Facebook posts.
How social media can make history - Clay Shirky - Transformed media landscape - tools used when everyone can take them for granted (I think its when they are matured) - native support for groups and individual conversation.  As media gets digitized, everything migrates to internet - like phone, pictures, etc.  Members can be producers of information.  Twitter announced Chinese earthquake immediately; last big one took 3 months.Convene not control.
Education, Social Media and Ethics - Howard Gardner - 5 areas - sense of identity; stance on privacy, ownership and authorship; trust of information; what it means to be membership in community.  Paradigm a student will go to wikipedia or one or two sources and think they are an expert.  The internet as the expert!
* prezi - like making an advanced powerpoint presentation, but allows it on-line and much easier.  Can have hierachy.  Zebra allows you to move the information. - my sample prezi page
* ipadio - audio blog.  blog from cellphone
* edmodo - social network, focused on educators, has CMS-functions, like messaging and places for collaboration
* wordle - creates word "clouds" based on frequency of word in text.  The highest frequency would be bigger.  My firewall would require allowing certain Java extensions.  Found another cloud generator - ABCya. - created the image at the top of this page
* glogster - electronic "scrapbook" where you can add images, color, video, etc. to create a personal space and messages - my sample gloster page
poll everywhere - can take polls via eMedia, like cell phones - can be used for quizes - can identify the individual providing the answer - my sample poll
delicious - a repository for links on topics
* wallwisher - create a page that people can post to visually - my sample wallwisher page
* kidsblog - can set up a controlled blog community
voicethread - an audio with visual blog capability

Module 7 - Online Learning
* Are you ready to teach online?
* The Evidence on Online Education
* Ten Ways Online Education Matches or Surpasses, Face-to-Face Learning
* Synchronous and Asynchronous
* 10 Things I've Learned About Teaching Online

Module 6  - eLearning and the Educator's Role
Crossing the Finish Line - video interview with William Bowan, former head of the Mellon Foundation.  Has assessed universities.  We need better access.
National Education Technology Plan - Duncan - asks for input and examples in video, but gives no link.  Plan stresses not just the need for technology, but more that we need to match learners with works best for them.  Always-on learning is what eLearning provides. 
* Washington State Board for Community and Technical College
* Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
* American Society for Training and Development
* Dr. Cable Green's Blog

Module 5 eLearning State, National, Local Trends
Learning Style Don't Exist - learning style means way info organized matters; visual, experiential, auditory styles; asking students to retain information; many other theories;  the theories seem true because we they become self-fulling prophecies.
* Benefits and Drawback of eLearning - platform accomodates all types of learning types. Cons: technology issues, portability not as good as paper; reduced social interaction (was actually a reading, but listed under video)
Ten Top Tips for Teaching with New Media
Taxonomy of Learning Theory - he souncded like he had some deep intellectual thinking, but it was muddy to follow, so not sure how good it was - taxamony is all learning somes from four themes
* Myers-Briggs Styles and Online Learner - 4 stages: concrete experience (feeling), objective observation (watching), abstract conceptualization (thinking), active experimentation (doing)
* Learning Styles - Multiple Intelligence - smart re-defined - talks about the impact and response to Gardener - was an overview, needed to go to the references to get in-depth

Module 4 - eLearners and Expectations
* College: A Vision of Students Today  - Images of classrooms and chalk boards and then goes into digital images - like google.
* Video - A Vision of K-12 Student Today - Take aways - students today are more technologically connected in their daily life, which tools in their current education are not always providing. The video "implied" teachers were not savvy and this would cause problems for the future generation. By the time the child is 38, she will have 13 jobs and some of those jobs have not been created. There was no talking only children holding up placards.
* Millennials - Next generation (18-29) demographically culturally more diverse. Will eLearning help normalize this?
* Digital Natives - Marc Prensky
* Digital Natives - Part 2 - Marc Prensky
* The 21st Century - Marc Pensky

Module 3.  Copyright
* Copyrights and Copying Wrongs - things are copyrighted as soon as tangibly (written down or recorded) created; just crediting someone doesn't satisfy the requirements; when in doubt make sure you get permission. 
* Copyright Law: Using Information Legally - John Hopkins' policy on copyright law
* Copyright and Fair Use -  Stanford University's policy
Creative Commons website

Module 2 - Technology & that Internet Today
* How the internet enables intimacy. Stefani Broadbent. Her position is that people are more intimate because of the ease of commication. The stats she gives, like 80% of calls from a person goes to a few people. The question for me, is what is intimacy? I think we can connect, but is it for information or depth?
* The Web as a random acts of kindness-John Zittrain - Used example of people hitchhiking less was an indicator people aren't as connecting (I think this may be a reflection of the age of the audience and the reality that transportation and modes are more available). Founding of the interent was limited by lack of money, but encouraged by the desire of the founders for fun to connect. The mascot for the internet should be the bumblebee - because wing span defied our knowledge of flight for a long time. Wikipedia is an example of how kindness. There was a debate about whether to put author names or not and by contributing without acknowlegement is kind. Another example of an idea that at the time didn't seem to be a good one, but is now everywhere, like translations of Chinese menus.
*  The Future of M-Commerce. The presentation format was very visual. The information was interesting and I found the jumping of the pictures distracting. The statistics were interesting and felt I would like this as a resouce, but realize the information will evolve and not necessarily be accurate in the future. Intersting facts that stood out for me: 2,272 average texts per month by a teen-ager; 93% of all adults have cell phones, yet 33% don't feel it is safe to buy over the phone; traditional advertising (print media) is down, while eMedia outlets up 18%. There was a reference on the bottom of the video that provided a reference for more information, yet when I went the website, I realizes the video was more of an ad, as to why you should use the referenced service for mobile/internet advertising.
Does the Internet Make your Smarter? The emphasis of this was that new methods are always greeted with skepticism and yet it is essential for continued human experience. An example, was that the printing press allowed for collaboration, yet the predictions were going to cause chaos. A new norm has to be established which often takes a while and will have "noise" associated with it.
* Does the Internet Make you Dumber? The emphasis of this article was that we process more, but with less depth. This multi-tasking does not let us focus as needed for deep intellecutal thought.
Prequel to the The World is Open - 2nd wave is used by instructor to expand learning; 3rd wave to enhance learning; 4th wave transform learning
* Disrupting Class - technology will change the classroom, how it looks, how teaching is done - sustaining innovations: innovations that sustain the leading companies trajectory in an industry; computer based learning in infancy now
* Glossary Terms Rubric

Module 1 - Introduction & Learning Expectations
Wikis in Plain English - uses a camping trip example - rather than emailing, using collaboration tool that each person can contribute to, so listing supplies is easy

* Obama speaks at 20th annivsary of American with Disabilities Act - This was a place to record information about the event, not what he said.  A good example of how to use technology to collaborate.
* Copyright Alongside - basis of copyright discussion
